Full Moon Plant Brushing

Full Moon Plant Brushing

We gather under the full moon to share plants, to be immersed in their innate knowing, medicine, magic, and healing. We will meet each other in loving presence to give and receive group plant brushings, as an opportunity to embody through your senses, reconnect with nature and the divine, and to connect to your soul.

To register, please text Rebekah at 303.931.0017 with the event name & date, your name & contact info.

Registration will be verified and the address will be given with payment received through Venmo or PayPal.

Plants from Blackbird Abbey- $27

Bring your own plants- $17

*A donation will be made to United Plant Savers with a portion of the proceeds

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Lived Devotion

Lived Devotion

Lived Devotion is an invitation to create intention in your life that can carry you through each moment, each day, and through each season.

An invitation to connect to others and create community that supports and honors each person as they are, where they are, on their path.

Join us for an experience of intentional connecting to the earth, moon, plants, nature and animal spirits, the elements, and community.

To register, please text Rebekah at 303.931.0017 with the event name & date, your name & contact info.

Registration will be verified and the address will be given with payment received through Venmo or PayPal.


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Community Exploration

Community Exploration

Coming together in exploration and creation of magic and medicine for the earth, spirit, and soul.

This group is for those that want to practice ceremony, intentionally connecting to the earth, the moon, the plants, the elements, and spirit within all things.

We will explore, ask questions, discover magic, set intentions and boundaries, and support each other on our paths.

To register, please text Rebekah at 303.931.0017 with the event name & date, your name & contact info.

Registration will be verified and the address will be given with payment received through Venmo or PayPal.


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Moon Gathering

Moon Gathering

We engage with our inner desires as well as acknowledge what is holding us back, set intentions, and celebrate our journey.

Please bring anything for the alter, clothes and layers as needed to be comfortable outside, a drum or other instrument as desired, anything you would like to set out under the moon, a snack to share, and anything else that calls to you.

To register, please text Rebekah at 303.931.0017 with the event name & date, your name & contact info.

Registration will be verified and the address will be given with payment received through Venmo or PayPal.


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Rooted Wonder

Rooted Wonder

Creating space to strengthen the bond between mother and daughter and empower girls on their journey to womanhood. A place to share information in a journey of collaborative learning.

We enter a sacred gateway to ground, center, and prepare for the space we are entering. We come together in meditation, visualization, story telling having an activity, snack, and a good time.

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Lived Devotion

Lived Devotion

Lived Devotion is an invitation to create intention in your life that can carry you through each moment, each day, and through each season.

An invitation to connect to others and create community that supports and honors each person as they are, where they are, on their path.

Join us for an experience of intentional connecting to the earth, moon, plants, nature and animal spirits, the elements, and community.

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Community Exploration

Community Exploration

Coming together in exploration and creation of magic and medicine for the earth, spirit, and soul.

This group is for those that want to practice ceremony, intentionally connecting to the earth, the moon, the plants, the elements, and spirit within all things.

We will explore, ask questions, discover magic, set intentions and boundaries, and support each other on our paths.

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Moon Gathering

Moon Gathering

We engage with our inner desires as well as acknowledge what is holding us back, set intentions, and celebrate our journey.

Please bring anything for the alter, clothes and layers as needed to be comfortable outside, a drum or other instrument as desired, anything you would like to set out under the moon, a snack to share, and anything else that calls to you.

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