Moon Gathering
A time to connect to the moon in ceremony and community
We engage with our inner desires as well as acknowledge what is holding us back, set intentions, and celebrate our journey.
Please bring anything for the alter, clothes and layers as needed to be comfortable outside, a drum or other instrument as desired, anything you would like to set out under the moon, a snack to share, and anything else that calls to you.
Exchange- $27
To register, please text Rebekah at 303.931.0017 with the event name and date, your name and contact info.
Your registration will be verified and the address will be given with payment received through Venmo or PayPal.
New Moon
The New Moon is the first lunar phase of the moon—and the easiest to miss. During this phase, the moon comes between the sun and earth and appears to disappear. That’s because the moon’s shadow side faces the earth, rendering the moon invisible.
The New Moon is a time of new beginnings and fresh starts. Each New Moon, you might want to take the time to set a few personal intentions about what you want to manifest and bring to reality during the upcoming month-long cycle.
Waxing Crescent Moon
The Waxing Crescent Moon occurs right after the New Moon. During this phase, the moon appears as a sliver of a crescent.
Now is the time to work toward those intentions set during the New Moon. The Waxing Crescent Moon offers a boost of hope and positivity as we embark on our goals for the cycle. Embrace the dreams you imagined for yourself. During the Waxing Crescent Moon, meditate on your desires.
First Quarter Moon
During the First Quarter Moon, the half of the moon lights up. In the Northern Hemisphere, the right half is bright, whereas the left half remains dark.
With the First Quarter Moon, we’re able to take action in implementing our New Moon intentions. Translation? Now’s the time to make decisions. Use the phase’s momentum to overcome any resistance we may face along the way. We can add and change things that need tweaking with our New Moon intentions. The universe is allowing us to make edits according to our lifestyles and needs.
Waxing Gibbous Moon
This phase occurs two weeks after the New Moon. The Moon’s vibrant light is expanding and almost full.
We can refine and clarify our ideas under this lunar phase. Assessing situations and discussing our feelings is a key focus now, as we are looking inwards and figuring out what we need to change up in our lives. Reciting positive daily affirmations will give us the confidence to evolve and transform during the Full Moon.
Full Moon
This luminary occurs when the earth finds itself between the sun and the moon. The moon is at its fullest here.
Full Moons illuminate everything around us—even our intuition. The Full Moon’s glow allows us to see situations and relationships from a clearer perspective. Typically, Full Moons are a time of letting go and releasing. Now's your chance to quit habits, leave bad situations behind, and focus on healing. There are many rituals associated with the Full Moon, like charging crystals and taking a relaxing bath to unwind and be in flow with the universe. After all, we are honoring the Moon and all its glory now.
Waning Gibbous Moon
Right after the Full Moon, the moon begins to dim its light.
We’re over halfway through the moon cycle. How far have we come in the intentions we set during the New Moon? The Waning Gibbous Moon is a time to take stock—including revisiting those intentions and taking stocks. Expressing gratitude is essential now. Try writing a letter to the universe and owning your power.
Last Quarter Moon
Sometimes called the Third Quarter, half of the moon lights up during this lunar phase—the opposite of the First Quarter Moon.
Think of this Last Quarter Moon as a lunar “spring cleaning.” Time to clean out that which no longer serves us, whether it be burdensome projects, toxic relationship dynamics, or even those sweaters we never wear. We’re coming to the realization that we have released in order to evolve. And yes, now’s the time to clean our houses, too. Give our mind a final cleanse through regular meditation.
Waning Crescent Moon
(also called the Balsamic Moon)
The moon is back to being a sliver, with only a crescent of the left side visible.
This is the last lunar phase before a new cycle begins. Therefore, it’s a time when we need to be still and at peace. Instead of pushing ourselves to the limit, we should rest, focus, and reflect. Find peace before starting the new journey that’s coming our way in a few days.